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Showing posts from April, 2018

Student Success Statement

Philip Riggs' Four Success Tips 1. Work Hard 2. Follow your passions, do things you are interested in doing 3. Dont chase after money 4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you  I agree with these for success tips and think they will reallly benefit anyone that follows them. Many times people go into a profession that will get them a lot of money but that isn't how it should be. Yiu should go into a profession that you love and are willing to do for several years to come. Also, working hard is a big one, it is important ot not be lazy. Laziness wont get you anywhere, working hard is key to success. Also, serving others is beneficial to not only them but you since everything that goes around comes around. Sometimes we forget that and find it hard to be helpful to other people but in the end you will be appreciated for doing such act. Helping others is a big thing in my family, every thanksgiving my family and i go out into the str...

Challenges Teens Face Today 4/30/2018

Challenges Teen Face Today 1. Some of the challenges teens face today are peer pressure, depression, academic problems, and bullying.  2. I am not dealing with any problems right now. Due to me not having any I dont deal with anything.  3. Being a ctr person helps guide you in the right direction to make sure you are successful, that helps with everything but depression. Depression can not be dealt with by being a ctr person, you need to get professional help for that.  4. I can help teens overcome their challenges by motivating them to be their best version of themselves and tell them it is okay to need help, especially if it is for an issue like bulllying and depression.  Reflection: I think the greatest needs teens need today is encouragment from their teachers and parents 

Student Success Statement - 4/26/2018

"Being a c-t-r person isn't always easy, but it's the best person you can be" - Diana Beltran This quote is very true. It is important to be a ctr person because it will guide you in the right direction. Being a ctr person means doing the right thing, doing your best, is self reliant, is dependable, self discipline themselves, and show initiative. Doing all those things is not easy. Especially when in highschool and there is alot of pressure from your peers. Doingall these things will make you a good person and as much as you do them you will succeed and they will become easier. 

Student Success Statement - 4/24/2018

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing" - Theodore Roosevelt This quote is kinda obvious. It is something that everyone knows, it isnt like someone has to make a decision and purposely does the wrong thing. However they will do that if they WANT a bad reputation but even then it is not usually done. This quote is easier said than done because sometimes our only choices are good things since we are on the right path. If you have to good options in front of you how do you choose the best option? What if you choose one option and doesnt lead us in the right way? There are many times in which your decision does not matter becaue you get what you get but if you do make the wrong decision you will learn from your mistakes for next time. 

Student Success Statement - 4/20/2018

"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong" - Wilford Woodruff This quote is being said by an American religious leader. He was an inspiration to everyone, always spoke the truth. This quote, I believe is very true. I think it is true because when you choose the wrong you will never get rewarded for it, and if you do you won't get something good out of it. Many times you don't get a reward for doing something bad, you usually get punished. When you do the right thing, however, you will be rewarded in a good way. You will either recieve your reward then in that moment or later on in life, becausein life everything you give will come back to you. Overall, this quote is very true. It is something i always think about when put into a difficult situation. It is easy to choose the wrong but it is even better to choose the right because nothing good will come out of choosing the wrong but something good will always come out of doing good. 

Recreation Therapist - 4/20/2018

Recreation Therapist  Duties and Responsibilities:  Recreational therapy , also known as therapeutic recreation , is a systematic process that utilizes recreation  and other activity-based interventions to address the assessed needs of individuals with illnesses and/or disabling conditions, as a means to psychological and physical health, recovery and well-being. Salary:A recreational therapist makes about  $47,764 - $59,364 ,  Educational Requirements: Recreational therapist have to have a Bachelor's degree, a recreation therapist must also attend a program where they teach them mor stuff and a certificate which allows them to practice. Demand for this career: The job outlook for this career is 7% in the next upcoming years Reflection: I would not like to be a recreational therapist because it is not interesting to me. 

Student Success Statement - 4/18/2018

"Its a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time" - Pam Knox I agree with this quote, it is really important to always do what is right. When doing the right thing, it doesnt necessarily mean to do a glorious and award winning thing. Doing the right thing is all about being conscious of your actions and doing the right thing without expecting anything in return. For example, the video of the softball players. They did not expect anything in return, they did not expect to win the game, they did not expect any prize for their actiosn. They helped out a person because it was the right hting. They did not have to, they could have left her there at first base and just waited for her to either be replaced or to slowly and painfully get to home plate for the full homerun. Instead of leaving her there, they did what was right. They helped her, they helped a person they had been playing against and could've ruined their chances ...

Radiologic Technologist - 4 / 18 / 2018

Radiologic Technologist Duties and Responsibilities:  The primary role of a radiologic technologist (also called an x-ray technologist or radiographer) is using medical imaging equipment to produce images of tissues, organs, bones, and vessels and, with advanced training, assisting in the administration of radiation therapy treatments. Salary: A radiologic technologist makes around $60,000 a year Education: The educational requirements vary from state to state, but in order to become one you for sure need a Bachelor's degree or Associate's degree. Also, you need to assist a radiologic program which helps you go through what exactly this job is about and teaches you how to be fit for it and prepared.  Demand for this career: The demand for this career is, 9% Reflection: I would not reallylike to be one of these only because there is other jobs i this field that are also really interesting and i want to work in something i love

Student Success Statement - 4/12/2018

"I have been asked what I mean by 'word of honor.' I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls - walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching even far into the ground - there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? NO, never! I'd die first." - Karl G. Maeser I dont really u nderstand this quote because its comparing two things that are nothing alike. Also why would anyone ever give their word never to cross it? This statement doesn't make sense and doesnt even tell us what exactly his words of honor are. I think its good for him that maybe he understnads tis quote, but  dont. Also, I dont think he would keep his word of honor if he admits to trying to escape a prison that he was in their for a crime he had comitted. I dont think this quote nmakes much sense because in order to g...

X-Ray Technician - 4/12/2018

X - Ray Technician Duties and Responsibilities:  A medical x-ray technician takes radiographic images of specific parts of a patient's body, which a physician has requested in order to make a diagnosis. They need a thorough understanding of imaging equipment and x-ray procedures and, as they are required to interact with patients, they should also have solid communication skills. A certificate or associate's degree is required to work in this field. Salary: The median salary for someone that is a x ray technician is $56,670 Education: In order to be an x ray technician you need at least a certificatge or associates degree. If you want to be more advanced you can go as far as to get a Bachelor's degree or a Master's degree. Then, you will need to get a certificate to allow you to practice on real patients. After, you are eligable for this carer.    Demand for this career: In order to be a good candidate for this career you need Interpersonal communication, mathem...

Student Success Statement - 4/10/18

The 10 Indian Commandments 1. Treat the Earth and all that dwells therein with respect. 2. Remain close to the Great Spirit. 3. Show great respect to your fellow beings 4. Work together for the benefits of mankind 5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed 6. Do what you know to be right 7. Look after the well being of mind and body 8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good 9. Be truthful and honest at all times 10. Take full responsibility for your actions One of the biggest things I notied about these 10 commandments was how mostof them talk about having responsibility for yourself and being respectful to others and everything. I think these commandments are something that should be acknowledged by everyone because when you read and follow these commandments they will lead you in the right direction and you will be seen as a good person. All these commandments focus on how a person could better themselves and be good. My favorite oene of th...

Radiation Oncologist - 4/10/2018

Radiation Oncologist Duties and Responsibilities: Oncologist are doctors that spepcialize in cancer, specifically tumors. Radiation is the name of one form of treatment that helps shrink the size of tumors. A Radiation Oncologist's job is t treat people with cancer using radiation and make sure they recieve the right dosage.  Salary: The median salary is $80,220 Educational Requirements: In order to become a radiation oncologist you need an Associate's degree or a Bachelor's degree and you need a radiation certificate.   Demand for this career: The projected growth rate is set to be 14%. Reflection: I think I would look into this career  because I have a big interest in oncology and want to do something in that field. 

Student Success Statement - 4/6/2018

"A promise must never be broken." - Alexander Hamilton I agree with this quote. I agree with this quote because it is true. This quote is true because i pormise is made to do something for a reason and it should be completed. I thin k making a promise allows someone to trust you and if they break that promise then so will the trust be broken. Making promises is not something to be used lightly, you only promise something when you really mean it and know you qill complete it. Promises are important to everyone and almost everyone has promised something at some point in their life. Breaking a promise can lead to many consequences and can even lead to the relationship with the person you made the promise to be broken. 

Pulmonary Medical Physician - 4/6/2018

Pulmonary Medical Physician Duties and Responsibilities: A Pulmonary Medical Physician, can also be reffered to as a Pulmonologist. The job of a pulmonologist is to treat and cure diseases of the lung. They provide patient care and help keep their lungs in good condition.  Salary: A pulmonologist makes about $256,000 a year or more depending on their level of degree and where they work.  Educational Requirements: In order to become a pulmonologist you need an undergraduate degree, medical education, residency and certification, and finally his pulmonary fellowship Demand for this career: This career has an outlook of 22%. In order to be good at this job you need to be respectful, be open minded, be able to work under pressure, and you need to be a critical thinker.  Reflection: I think this job is really interesting. I have seen how pulmonologist work and the job they do and I find it really interesting. 

Student Success Statement - 4/4/2018

"Goodness is the only investment that never fails" - Henry David Throeau  I really disagree with this quote for many reasons. I disagree because many people have gotten away with doing crimes for no good reason at all. They disrupted someones life and completely got away with it and are living peacefully and free of punishment. Also, goodness fails sometimes. For example, the most recent shooting that took place. All those people did not deserve to be killed, but they still did. No matter how good they had been, it didn't save them from getting killed. Also, the people that were doing absolutely nothing and got killed by police because they looked 'supicious'. This quote didn't apply to them and these issues wont be changed until there is no longer racism and unstrict laws. The world we live in today has forced this quote to be untrue. So many good peole have been killed for no reason at all in the last couple years and so many bad people have not been puni...

Psychologist 4/4/2018

Medical Career Path: Psychologist Duties and Responsibilities: Their exact job is depending on what kind of psychologist they are and where they work, but an overall description would be that they help guide people into a good mental state and teach them  how to live positively.  Salary: A psychologist earns about $76,000 - $93,000 a year depending on where they work and what type of psychologist they are.  Educational Requirement: In order to become a psychologist, you need a 4 year  undergraduate degree in psychology. Also, some employers may request a Graduate's degree.  Demand or needs: The outlook for this career is 19%. In order to be good a this job you need to be a good listener, be compassionate, be friendly, be patient, and be open minded.  Reflection: I would not like to be a psychologiat because I would worry alot about the patient and most likely get attached which shouldn't happen. Also, i would n ot know how to leave work stuff a...