"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing" - Theodore Roosevelt
This quote is kinda obvious. It is something that everyone knows, it isnt like someone has to make a decision and purposely does the wrong thing. However they will do that if they WANT a bad reputation but even then it is not usually done. This quote is easier said than done because sometimes our only choices are good things since we are on the right path. If you have to good options in front of you how do you choose the best option? What if you choose one option and doesnt lead us in the right way? There are many times in which your decision does not matter becaue you get what you get but if you do make the wrong decision you will learn from your mistakes for next time.
"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act according." - Otto Graham This quote, in my own words, means acknowledge if something is wrong or right and make the best choice. Many times, i have thought about a quote similar to this and i actually make my decisions with a conscious mind and i think about what is right and what is wrong and make sure that drives me to my decision. I like this quote because it is something people don't always do. I feel like some peolpe make decisions and dont really think about the effects the choice will have on them or whoever in the long run. I feel like if people thought about the choices they make and focus on how it could negatively impact them or someone else,...
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