"Goodness is the only investment that never fails" - Henry David Throeau
I really disagree with this quote for many reasons. I disagree because many people have gotten away with doing crimes for no good reason at all. They disrupted someones life and completely got away with it and are living peacefully and free of punishment. Also, goodness fails sometimes. For example, the most recent shooting that took place. All those people did not deserve to be killed, but they still did. No matter how good they had been, it didn't save them from getting killed. Also, the people that were doing absolutely nothing and got killed by police because they looked 'supicious'. This quote didn't apply to them and these issues wont be changed until there is no longer racism and unstrict laws. The world we live in today has forced this quote to be untrue. So many good peole have been killed for no reason at all in the last couple years and so many bad people have not been punished for the acts that some get life sentences for.

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