Medical Career Path: Psychologist
Duties and Responsibilities: Their exact job is depending on what kind of psychologist they are and where they work, but an overall description would be that they help guide people into a good mental state and teach them how to live positively.
Salary: A psychologist earns about $76,000 - $93,000 a year depending on where they work and what type of psychologist they are.
Educational Requirement: In order to become a psychologist, you need a 4 year undergraduate degree in psychology. Also, some employers may request a Graduate's degree.
Demand or needs: The outlook for this career is 19%. In order to be good a this job you need to be a good listener, be compassionate, be friendly, be patient, and be open minded.
Reflection: I would not like to be a psychologiat because I would worry alot about the patient and most likely get attached which shouldn't happen. Also, i would n ot know how to leave work stuff at work and focus on myef.

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