"I have been asked what I mean by 'word of honor.' I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls - walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching even far into the ground - there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? NO, never! I'd die first." - Karl G. Maeser
I dont really u nderstand this quote because its comparing two things that are nothing alike. Also why would anyone ever give their word never to cross it? This statement doesn't make sense and doesnt even tell us what exactly his words of honor are. I think its good for him that maybe he understnads tis quote, but dont. Also, I dont think he would keep his word of honor if he admits to trying to escape a prison that he was in their for a crime he had comitted. I dont think this quote nmakes much sense because in order to get into jail you have to do something bad right and he is saying that he would find a way to get out, but you are in jail to pay for the crimes the person commited and they ar eexpected to not escape, but now hes saying that if he promised to never get out a circle he wouldn't. Im not sure I understand what this person is trying to say.
I dont really u nderstand this quote because its comparing two things that are nothing alike. Also why would anyone ever give their word never to cross it? This statement doesn't make sense and doesnt even tell us what exactly his words of honor are. I think its good for him that maybe he understnads tis quote, but dont. Also, I dont think he would keep his word of honor if he admits to trying to escape a prison that he was in their for a crime he had comitted. I dont think this quote nmakes much sense because in order to get into jail you have to do something bad right and he is saying that he would find a way to get out, but you are in jail to pay for the crimes the person commited and they ar eexpected to not escape, but now hes saying that if he promised to never get out a circle he wouldn't. Im not sure I understand what this person is trying to say.

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