"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong." - Abraham Lincoln
I agree with this quote that is being said by the former president, Abraham Lincoln. He was a very honest man from what i heard in class and seemed to always be true to himself. I agree and also live by this quote. In the 7th grade I had friends that were nice and honest, they had been my friends for several years and felt a strong connection with them and i was driven to their personalities because they were so nice. Slowly, my friends began to change. they began talking bad things about everyone, even me. So i knew what i had to do and I drifted a part from them. I felt a little sad but i knew it was rhe right decision because if i had continued being friends with them I would have turned into the negative people they had become. I agree with this quote because i have also experienced a time when i stood by people that were good and honest and then I also parted from them when they became mean and wrong.
I agree with this quote that is being said by the former president, Abraham Lincoln. He was a very honest man from what i heard in class and seemed to always be true to himself. I agree and also live by this quote. In the 7th grade I had friends that were nice and honest, they had been my friends for several years and felt a strong connection with them and i was driven to their personalities because they were so nice. Slowly, my friends began to change. they began talking bad things about everyone, even me. So i knew what i had to do and I drifted a part from them. I felt a little sad but i knew it was rhe right decision because if i had continued being friends with them I would have turned into the negative people they had become. I agree with this quote because i have also experienced a time when i stood by people that were good and honest and then I also parted from them when they became mean and wrong.

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