Duties and Responsibilities: The job of a psychiatrist is to diagnose and treat mental illnesses. They may also conduct group or individual therapy to get insight on a patients life. They also help the patient find coping methods that will help them with dealing with their mental illness.
Salary: A psychiatrist makes around $193,680 a year.
Educational Requirements: In order to become a psychiatrist you need to attend an undergraduates program, there they are going to be able to choose their major. Then you may go onto earn a Bachelor's degree, but it is not required. Then you attend medical school for about 4 years. After you attend a residency program to help further your knowledge. After that you are a psychiatrist.
Demand for this career: The outlook for this job is 14.9% in the next upcoming years. In order to be a good person at this job you need to have good communication skills, you need to be patient, you need to make sure not to get attached, and yiu have to be both emotionally and physically strong.
reflection: I would not like to be a psychiatrist because I am not really into this area in the medical field and if i were to be working in something like this i would want to like it so i could do it the best way possible.

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