"Even if everyone is doing it, wrong is never right"
- Russell M. Nelson
I agree with this quote. I agree with this quote because it is very true. This quote reminds me of peer pressure which is a big problem with people my age, high-schoolers. Many of the people in high school tend to rebel during these years so that means they use drugs, cheat, or are just doing what is not right. It is important that we think about this quote when it comes to making a bad decision. For example, throughout my years of going to school i have always had that kid in the class that is known for cheating. Several times i told this kid that cheating was not the right answer so i would help him. Many people are not used to receiving help which is a big reason as to why i believe people cheat. I have always been big on doing what is right. Every time that i do something that is not right my conscious leads me to fixing my mistakes and never doing them again.

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