Occupational Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: Occupational therapists help disabled, ill, and injured people practice doing everyday tasks. They do this to help the patient develop, recover, or learn new skills that will help them with everyday tasks.
Salary: Occupational therapists make around $80,000 - $90,000
Educational Requirements: In order to become an Occupation therapist you need to get your Master's Degree in the field of Occupational Therapy. Then you have to get a license to practice doing therapy on people. You will also need experience that you can gain from working with people. Last, they need to have good communication skills.
Demand or need: As the population increases so does the need for therapist to treat people that may need it, every year as the earth gets full of more people the demand increases.
Reflection: Would you want to be one? Why?
I think this would be a good job,. i have always wanted to go into a career where i will help people that need it, health wise, and i think i would enjoy this job.

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