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Student Success Statement - 3/7/2018

"True independance and freedom can only exist in doing what'a right" - Brigham Young 

This quote is being said by the founder and creater of Brigham Young Univeristy. He was a very virtouis and rightful person. He was a CTR person and passed that onto the students that attend BYU. This quote, to me, means that in order to be free of everyone you need to make good decisions. In a way that is correct but at the same time the quote contradicts itself because this quote is saying that the only way to have freedom is making good decisions. If you had the freedom to do what you wanted you would not have to make the right decision. Therefor, the only way to have freedom is to have the right to make your own decisions that you want to do. For example, if I didn't want to go somewhere but knew I should be there , this quote is saying I should do what is right and go and I will be free and independant but if i dont go i am not m,aking a good decisions. But inrealiy making my own choices will give me a sense of independance and freedom compared to having to attend the thing i dont want to because another person depends on me being there. ANother persond epending on me being there no  longer makes me independant because I will have someone depending me so  cant make my own choices and I will not be free since someone will be with me. 

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