Physical Therapy
Duties and responsibilities: The job of a physical therapist is to help patients recover from injuiries, illnesses, and surgery. They help patients gain back movement and they help them control pain. This therapy can be done at home, in a hospital, or in a clinic.
Salary: The average physical therapy makes about $40 an hour meaning they earn around $84,000 yearly.
Educational Requirements: In order to become a physical therapist you need to earn a graduates degree from an accredited academic program in physical therapy which takes around 3 years. Then, they have to earn a Bachelor's degree and they have to have volunteering hours.
Demand or need for this profession: The demand for this career is expected to grow at 34% in the next 10 years as of 2014
Reflection: I think I would not like to become a physical therapist because i have seen from experience that you need to be a strong person so that you can work with all kinds of people and I dont think I am strong enough.

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