"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life the right way, the karma (good results, destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you."
- Dr. Randy Pausch
I agree with this quote greatly, i believe it's important to always remember this quote too. I agree with this quote because i have seen it happen to other people and to me as well. Growing up my goal was to always be a good person and to be genuinely happy. I remember making up 'plans' to make sure i achieved what i wanted. My first step was to be a good positive person, i noticed that once i had started spreading kindness to everyone, i began being more positive towards myself and got the same response i was giving to myself. Another big thing was my grades. My grades haven't always been good but i told myself that if i got good grades that the karma i would receive would be good, so i worked hard and have been getting good grades ever since, the karma i received was respect from my teachers and my mother is very proud of me which is always a good thing. I believe in karma because it has made me the person i am today. The idea of everything in life coming back to you has truly inspired me to be a good person even when it seems very hard because i know it is the right thing to do. I believe that everyone should use this quote to help motivate them to choose the right and to make decisions that will benefit them and not hurt others in the future.
- Dr. Randy Pausch

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